790.00 TestStar II 4.0C ------------------------------------------------------------------ This file describes installation requirements and changes made in this version of TestStar. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation Recommendations: Minimum hardware: -- 133 MHz Pentium class PC (Approved by MTS) -- 32 MB of memory -- 1GB hard drive -- CD ROM drive Operating System: -- Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 -- Service Pack 3 -- Service Pack 3 for Windows NT Version 4.0 is provided on the TestStar 4.0C CD ROM. Before installing SP3, be sure to read the SP3\readme.txt file on the TestStar CD. The US version of SP3 may be installed by running SP3\SPSETUP.BAT on the TestStar CD from an MS_DOS Prompt window or by running SP3\I386\UPDATE.EXE from the Windows Explorer. -- International versions of the readme.txt files are available in the French and German sub-directories. To install an International service pack, extract the necessary files by running the NT4SP3_I.EXE in the appropriate sub-directory in the TestStar CD \SP3 directory. Run the program called update.exe in the directory containing the extracted files and follow the directions on the screen. You may remove this directory once the service pack is installed. -- Note that Microsoft recommends that Service Pack 3 should be reinstalled after installing additional applications and/or hardware to the system. Misc: ----- -- User must have Windows NT Administrator privileges to install TestStar. -- Installation directory name must only contain English characters (spaces are OK). -- If converting from OS/2, see page 180 of the TestStar II Installation manual, "Moving TestStar V3.1 Files to TestStar 4.0." This information is also available near the end of this file. -- When upgrading from TestStar versions 4.0A or 4.0B, all previous settings made in setup are remembered and used as the default settings during installation. -- To install this version, see page 182 of the TestStar II Installation manual, "Installing TestStar V4.0." This information is also available at the end of this file. Known Problems: --------------- Previous upgrade from OS/2 to TestStar 4.0A or 4.0B using French or German -- French or German OS/2 text files loaded onto a 4.0A or 4.0B system were not converted properly and may have shown bad characters. This includes configuration files, TestWare-SX templates, and the unit assignment set. Saving these unconverted files on a 4.0A or 4.0B system, and subsequently loading these files onto a 4.0C system will not eliminate the bad characters. However, if you still have your OS/2 files, you may follow the instructions for converting from OS/2 to ensure that your files are converted properly. There is no problem with files created on a 4.0A or 4.0B system (unless... see the following) 4.0A or 4.0B use of comma as decimal separator -- The use of a comma as a decimal separator was a problem in 4.0A and 4.0B. If you used a comma as a decimal separator in 4.0A or 4.0B, many files you created or modified (i.e., any files saved with the comma separator) will be a problem if used in 4.0C. These files will have to be re-created. If you avoided the comma, and created TWSX data files using a period, what happens now that you can switch back to a comma? TestStar 4.0B was enhanced to put a special header at the beginning of each TestWare-SX data file. With 4.0C, we are including a new Excel data converter that uses this heading to determine the settings used when the file was created. The converter translates the data into native Excel format that knows nothing about decimal separators. Once the data is in Excel, it is displayed using the regional settings for decimal separator. If you created TestWare-SX data files using TestStar 4.0A and a comma as the decimal separator, the Excel Wizard will allow you to read these files. Btrieve Database Engine error message: -- [MKDE0000: Microkernel is already loaded]. This error is produced by the Btrieve database engine and has no known effects on TestStar. The user should acknowledge the warning and continue. Changes in TestStar II 4.0C include: ------------------------------------ -- An option to install on-line documentation has been added to this release, including the TestStar Installation Manual, the Reference Manual, the TestWare-SX Application Manual, the TestWare-SX Enhanced Processes Manual, and the TestStar A to Z Encyclopedia of Testing. All this documentation is viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 is included on the TestStar CD and may be installed by marking a check-box at the end a TestStar installation from the CD ROM. (Note: the documentation icons only show up as Acrobat documents after logging into Windows NT following the installation of Adobe Acrobat.) -- The TestWare-SX Data Limit Detector and Digital Input Detector processes have been enhanced to allow for multiple triggering. See the TestWare-SX readme for more information. -- A converter for Excel is now available to make it easier to manage TWSX data files. See the TestWare-SX readme for more information. Changes in TestStar II 4.0B include: ------------------------------------ -- Netcheck now supports high speed data acquisition boards as well as the extended aio boards. Netcheck only works when the computer has been booted into DOS mode. It will not work in the DOS compatibility box of Windows NT. To use Netcheck 1. Boot the computer into DOS 2. Go to the Netcheck directory found in the root directory of the TestStar II installation. 3. Run either Netcheck or Netcheck -ext The -ext parameter is used if the TestStar II box has an extended aio board or a high speed data acquisition board. If your drive is formatted with the NT file system, you will be unable to boot to DOS and run Netcheck from the hard drive. In this case, copy all of the files from the Netcheck directory (i.e. c:\ts2\netcheck) to a floppy and run Netcheck from the floppy. It is important that your default directory be the directory where the Netcheck utility resides. -- The TestWare-SX Operator Information process has been enhanced. See the TestWare-SX readme for more information. -- The TestWare-SX High Speed Data process will not collect data with an interval slower than .01 second. -- TestWare-SX data files have been enhanced by the addition of some configuration information at the beginning of the file. This will make it easier to import the information into Excel or some other analysis tool. See the TestWare-SX readme for more information. -- Programming support is now available as a separate package. It includes interfaces for Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, and LabVIEW. Changes in TestStar II 4.0A include: ------------------------------------ -- Previously, the ComTest utility, used to test the connection to the temperature controller, could be run without TestStar being active. Starting with TestStar II 4.0A, that is no longer the case. Before running ComTest make sure that TestStar is up and running or the utility will fail to work properly. MOVING TESTSTAR V3.1 FILES TO TESTSTAR V4.0 (Moving from OS/2 to Windows NT) ------------------------------------------------------- The OS/2 Upgrade Assistant is a software package that helps you identify important TestStar 3.1 files so you may use them in version 4.0 of TestStar. The OS/2 Upgrade Assistant contains the Upgrade Assistant program disk and several blank disks. Note: You should run the Upgrade Assistant program on the TestStar 3.1 system before you attempt to install Version 4.0 of TestStar II. The Upgrade Assistant program provides the following features: 1) It identifies the current TestStar hardware settings so you can duplicate them when installing TestStar V4.0. 2) It prompts you to insert a disk to backup the following files: - The EXT_DB.DB file contains external sensor calibration data. - The SENS_DB.DB file contains internal sensor calibration data. - The SYSCAL.DB file contains the calibration data for the digital controller. - The SYSCALEX.DB file contains the calibration data for the digital controller. 3) It produces a report, which in addition to recording the current hardware settings, identifies files that you may want to transfer to the new version of TestStar. You will have to decide which of the reported files you wish to transfer and then you will have to back those up. The report identifies the following types of files for transfer: - TestStar configuration files (.TCC) - TestWare-SX templates (.000) - TestWare-SX procedures (template name.###; these must be accompanied by the associated template file) - TestWare-SX data files (.DAT) - Special files for optional TestWare-SX processes (.DRV, .UDA, etc.) - Unit Assignment Sets (.UAS) Be sure you back up all the files you may want before you change your computer to the Windows NT operating system. Using the Upgrade Assistant Kit ---------------------------------------- Perform the following procedure to identify important files for backup. 1. Double-click the Drive A icon on the desktop. This opens a window showing the icons of the files on the disk. 2. Double-click the ASSIST.EXE icon to start the Upgrade Assistant program. 3. If the program detects network drives, it will ask if it should look in those drives for the TestStar directory. The default location for the TestStar directory should be on the C or D drive. - Type N if the TestStar directory is not on a network drive or if you are not sure where the TestStar directory is located. - Type Y if the TestStar directory is located on a network drive. The program begins to scan the appropriate drives looking for all TestStar directories. The results are listed. 4. The program asks you to enter the number of the TS directory you want the program to analyze. Usually one listing will be shown C:\TS2\ or D:\TS2\. Type 1 and press Enter. 5. The program asks you to remove the program disk and insert the "OS/2 Sensor Backup" disk supplied with the upgrade package (a blank disk will also work). The program copies the required files to the disk. 6. The program creates a file (UPGRADE.TXT) listing the current TestStar hardware settings and file transfer recommendations. When this is completed, the program ends. Drag the UPGRADE.TXT file to the printer on the desktop. 7. Use the printed copy of the UPGRADE.TXT file to determine what files you want to transfer. Use the extra disks supplied with the package to copy any file you decide you need. INSTALLING TESTSTAR V4.0 ----------------------------------------- The following procedure describes how to install TestWare version 4.0. This version of TestStar is for Microsoftš Windows NTš version 4.0 Before you begin, locate the following disks: --------------------------------------------- - The TestStar V4.0 System Software CD ROM or floppy disks. - The System Calibration disk includes the calibration data for the Analog I/O module. This disk may include sensor calibration data for sensors calibrated at MTS Systems Corp. This disk is only needed for the initial installation. (If you are moving from TestStar 3.1, this is the disk generated automatically for you by the OS/2 Upgrade Assistant. - Read the README.TXT file for late-breaking information that may not be included the manuals. Read the Readme: ---------------- TestStar system software generally includes a README.TXT file that contains late-breaking information not included in TestStar manuals. If the file is included, it should be opened and the information reviewed before installing the system software. The file is located on the CD ROM. Note: You can read the readme file now, or you will have the opportunity to read it while installing the software. - To read the file, use the Explorer to see the contents of the CD ROM (usually drive D) and double-click the README.TXT file; or, open a command prompt and enter the following command: TYPE D:\ README.TXT | MORE (assuming drive D is the CD ROM) Press any key to display the next page of the file. Press ^C (cntl + C) to exit the file. Prerequisites: -------------- We assume that the Windows NT version 4.0 operating system is properly installed in your computer. We also assume you have turned your computer on and have Windows NT running. - You must be logged onto Windows NT as a user with administrator privileges. - You must have Service Pack 1 installed before you can install TestStar 4.0. (We do not recommend using Service Pack 2 even though it is available.) Know your system: ----------------- You need to know the following information to complete the initial installation: - Hydraulic pump configuration (none, on/off, or off/low/high) - Hydraulic service manifold configuration (none, on/off, off/low/ high, or proportional) Abbreviated Procedure: ---------------------- Task 1 Starting the Software Installation Program 1. Start the software installation program 2. Note about the readme file 3. Select the Setup Program's Operational Mode Task 2 Defining the Software Parameters 1. Enter the TestStar directory path 2. Select a program folder 3. Select the default engineering units 4. Select the TestStar language Task 3 Defining any Options 1. Do you have data acquisition option 2. Do you have static cross coupling Task 4 Defining the Hardware Configuration 1. Select the system configuration 2. Identify the pump configuration 3. Enter the number of control channels 4. Enter the module location of the Valve Driver 5. If necessary, enable the CE compliant feature 6. Identify the manifold configuration 7. Select a comm port for a temperature controller 8. If necessary, set up the acceleration compensation Task 5 Completing the Software Installation 1. Install any calibration files 2. If you have a temperature controller 3. Install any additional software Task 1 Starting the Software Installation Program -------------------------------------------------- Step 1 Start the software installation program The software installation program is called setup.exe. Perform the following: - Insert TestStar CD ROM disk in a CD ROM drive. - Double-click the Drive icon assigned to your CD ROM. - Double-click the SETUP.BAT icon (on the CD ROM). This starts the software installation program. Note: After the initial installation you can run the setup program to change hardware or software settings from the TestStar program group. See Step 3 below. Step 2 Note about the readme file The installation program asks if you have read the readme file. - Select Yes to continue the installation procedure. - If you select No, the readme file will be displayed. When you have finished reading the file, close the window to continue the setup program. Step 3 Select the Setup Program's Operational Mode When installing TestStar, the only operational mode is "Install TestStar II 4.0". Note: After the initial installation, you can run TestStar Setup from the TestStar program group to change hardware or software settings. Two modes are available from this setup program that run appropriate parts of the installation program. - Change Software Parameters - Change Hardware Parameters Press Next to continue. Task 2 Defining the Software Parameters ---------------------------------------- Step 1 Enter the TestStar directory path The setup program displays the following prompt: Setup will install TestStar II 4.0 in the following directory. The default location: C:\TS2 is shown in the entry field. If you want a different location, use the Browse feature to choose a different location. Press the Next button to proceed. Step 2 Select a program folder The setup program will install all of the TestStar program icons in the selected program folder. By default, the setup program will create a program folder called "TestStar" as shown in the entry field. The setup program also displays a list of all your program folders in the event you want to run TestStar from one of those program groups. You have the following options: - Accept the default TestStar folder. - Rename the default TestStar entry to create a new program folder. - Select one of the existing program folders. Press the Next button to proceed. Step 3 Select the default engineering units The setup program displays the prompt : Select the default Unit Assignment Set you wish to use. Default engineering units are initially assigned to each TestStar parameter. You can then change the units for any individual parameter or create an entire set of new default units. - Select SI Units (metric) or U.S. customary. Note The default engineering units can be changed using the Unit Assignment Set Editor. Press the Next button to proceed. Step 4 Select the TestStar language The setup program displays the prompt: Select the language you wish to use for TestStar II 4.0A and its applications. - English - German - French Press the Next button to proceed. Task 3 Defining any Options ---------------------------- The TestStar system software needs to know the capabilities of the hardware components of your system. Step 1 Do you have data acquisition option? The Extended Analog I/O option and the High Speed Data Acquisition option both use the open machine control board location (slot 19 in the digital controller, see Machine control modules on page 49 of the Installation manual). Only one option may be installed at a time. The setup program displays the prompt: Choose the data acquisition hardware option installed. - Select Normal if you do not have either hardware option. - Select Extended AIO Card if connectors J63 and J64 are installed and a second Model 790.40 Analog I/O board installed in slot 19. This option adds 16 external analog inputs to the system. - Select High Speed Data Acquisition Board if the High Speed Data Acquisition board is installed in slot 19 of the digital controller. This option allows data collection at a rate of 70 KHz. It is required for the Model 790.16 High Speed Data Acquisition process for TestWare-SX. Press the Next button to proceed. Step 2 Do you have static cross coupling? Note: This step is skipped unless you have the High Speed Data Acquisition board. The setup program displays the prompt: Is static cross coupling enabled in the system? Note: The static cross coupling option is usually set up at MTS. This option is used in high speed systems. It is a software compensation feature and it is available on systems with the High Speed Data Acquisition board. Systems that require this feature are generally installed by MTS personnel. - Select Yes if you have this option and complete the remainder of this step to define the static cross coupling option. - Select No if you don't have this option. If you select have the static cross coupling option, you need to complete the following: A Please enter the Cross Coupling Type. Select the appropriate type and press Next to proceed. - Select Load/Torque - Select Geometric B Please enter the number of Cross Coupling Channels (2-3). Enter the number of cross coupled channels and press Next to continue. C Enter the slot number (1-14) connected to Cross Coupling Feedback (channel number). Enter the module location for the corresponding feedback channel on the digital controller and press Next to continue. D Please enter the cross-coupling coefficients [0][1] value in a floating point (1.23) format. The coefficient is provided by MTS systems. If you do not know the proper coefficients, accept the default entries. Note The bracketed numbers represent channel numbers. For example, [0] = channel 1; [1] = channel 2; [2] = channel 3. E Repeat Steps C and D for each cross-coupled channel. Task 4 Defining the Hardware Configuration ------------------------------------------- The TestStar system software needs to know the capabilities of the hardware components of your system. Step 1 Select the system configuration TestStar can control servo hydraulic equipment or servo motor equipment. The setup program displays the prompt: Select the power source. - Select Hydraulic if your system uses hydraulic test equipment. - Select Electro-mechanical if your system uses servo motor equipment. Note If Electro-mechanical is selected, all TestStar windows using the word 'Hydraulic' will be changed to 'Servo motor.' Press the Next button to proceed. Step 2 Identify the pump configuration The setup program displays the prompt: Select the hydraulic power supply (HPS) configuration. The configuration selections represent the control capabilities of the hydraulic power supply (HPS or hydraulic pump). Select the appropriate configuration for the hydraulic configuration. - If you do not want the TestStar system to control your pump, select none (a jumper plug is required, refer to chapter 3). Note We recommend you use the Error Detector with this configuration. - If your pump can be turned on and off only, select 2-state. - If your pump can apply low hydraulic pressure, high hydraulic pressure, and be turned off, select 3-state. Step 3 Enter the number of control channels The setup program displays the prompt: - Select the maximum number of control channels your current hardware supports. The number of control channels represents the number of actuators or Valve Driver modules in you system. The load unit control panel has an Actuator Positioning Control for each control channel. - Enter the number of control channels on your system (1 - 4) and press Next to continue. Note: If more than one channel is selected, steps 4 through 6 are repeated for each channel. You will be asked to define an HSM for each channel. Step 4 Enter the module location of the Valve Driver The setup program displays the prompt: - Please enter the slot number of the valve driver (11-14) for channel x. Each control channel requires a Model 490.14 or 490.17 Valve Driver. The slot number represents the module location in the Instrumentation Bus of the digital controller. In a single-channel system, module location 14 (slot 14) is used. Each additional channel is added to the left of module location 14 (slot 13, 12, 11). - The prompt is repeated for each of the control channels you entered in step 1. Step 5 If necessary, enable the CE compliant feature The setup program displays the prompt: Does this control channel need to be CE (European Community) compliant? Each control channel can have a CE compliant control mode for specimen installation. TestStar implements this feature by providing 10 units per second for Pod control modes. To be properly CE compliant, you must create a length/pod control mode. This control mode is fixed at 10 mm/sec. Step 6 Identify the manifold configuration The setup program displays the prompt: Select the associated hydraulic service manifold (HSM) configuration for Control Channel Number x. - The configuration selections represent the control capabilities of the hydraulic service manifold (HSM or actuator manifold). In multiple channel configurations, a single HSM may control one or more actuators. Compare the number of actuator position controls with the number of HSM Control switch sets to determine if an HSM is shared. If you do not have a hydraulic service manifold for the channel, select No Manifold. Then identify how the hydraulic pressure to the channel is controlled. The setup program displays the prompt: Select the master HSM for Control Channel X - For a single-channel system, select HPS - Hydraulic Power Supply. For a multi-channel system, select HSM of Channel # (1 - 4). - If your manifold can be turned on and off only, select 2-state. - If your manifold can apply low hydraulic pressure, high hydraulic pressure, and be turned off, select 3-state (cable assembly number 397055-xx). - If your manifold has proportional capabilities (cable assembly number 426645-xx) such as ramping to low pressure and ramping to high pressure, select proportional. The proportional selection produces the following prompts to define the desired proportional characteristics: A Please enter the proportional valve LOW RATE [off to low] in seconds [0 - 480]. B Please enter the proportional valve HIGH RATE [low to high or high to low] in seconds [0 - 480]. C Please enter the proportional valve LOW pressure level in percent of high pressure [0 - 95]. For multiple channels: Repeat 4 through 6 for each control channel. Step 7 Select a comm port for a temperature controller The setup program displays the prompt: Select the Comm Port where the Temperature Controller is located. If the system does not have a Temperature Controller, click on None then Next. - If you do not have a temperature controller, select None. - If you do have a temperature controller, select Communication Port 1 or Communication Port 2. Selecting a comm port produces the following prompts to define the temperature controller interface. The communication port is the computer serial port that the temperature controller is connected to. Refer to your computer documentation to identify the rear panel connectors. A Select the correct baud rate. Be sure that you select the same baud rate that your temperature controller is set to. Refer to the product manual or the Setup Configuration drawing for your temperature controller. B Select the correct temperature controller. Select the controller you have. Note The Barber-Colman and Eurotherm Temperature Controllers also produce a prompt for you to select the units for the controller. C Please enter the address of the temperature controller. Temperature controllers supplied by MTS Systems Corporation are set to address 0. Refer to the product manual or the Setup Configuration drawing for your temperature controller. D Please enter the maximum temperature of the controller in degrees Celsius. Enter the maximum temperature that your furnace or environmental chamber can accommodate. Note: You must run the COMTEST.EXE program at the end of the installation. See page 197 of the TestStar II Installation Manual E Please enter the minimum temperature of the controller in degrees Celsius. Enter the minimum temperature that your furnace or environmental chamber can accommodate. Step 8 If necessary, set up the acceleration compensation The setup program displays the prompt: Do you have an Acceleration Compensation Module on your system? Note: The acceleration compensation option is a factory installed option. If the acceleration compensation option is present, rear panel BNC connectors labeled Accel are mounted to the Auxiliary I/O panel. - If you do not have an acceleration compensation board, select No. - If you do have an acceleration compensation board, select Yes. Selecting yes produces the following prompts to define the acceleration compensation option. A Please enter the accel compensation module slot location. The Acceleration Compensation module (Model 490.26) is usually installed in slot location number 10. B Please select the number of accelerometer feedbacks connected to the module. Check the number of rear panel BNC connectors labeled Accel mounted to the Auxiliary I/O panel. This determines how many acceleration compensation channels are to be defined. C Please enter the slot number connected to the accelerometer feedback x. The convention for acceleration compensation channels are: Channel 1 = Load 1 Channel 2 = Load 2 Channel 3 = Load 3 Channel 4 = Load 4 D Specify the polarity of the accelerometer. Select Yes if the polarity is normal or if you do not know the polarity. Select No if it is inverted. When the installation is complete, go to Chapter 4 in the Reference manual to adjust the acceleration compensation circuit. If you need to change the polarity, you can return to this procedure and change the default setting. E Repeat Steps C and D for each acceleration compensation channel. Task 5 Completing the Software Installation -------------------------------------------- Note: You may get an error indicating that the WSCI driver didn't start. If this occurs, you may have an interrupt conflict. See WSCI Jumper Settings vs. Software Settings on page 70 of the TestStar II Installation manual. Step 1 Install any calibration files The setup program displays the prompt: Choose which Calibration files you want to install Your system includes calibration disks for each product you purchased with TestStar. Enable each of the calibration files you have. TIPS: If you have files from TestStar V3.1, you can install them during this step. If you used the Upgrade Assistant, you can use the backup disks with this step. If you simply backed up the calibration files to a single disk, it can be used with this step. Any files that need conversion will be converted automatically. - Enable the System Calibration (Analog I/O) File selection. This is a required file (SYSCAL.DB). It includes the calibration factors for each analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter. TestStar will not function properly without it. - Enable the Sensor Calibration Database section if you had MTS Systems Corporation calibrate your system sensors. The calibration data is for sensors connected to ac and dc conditioners installed in the digital controller (SENS_DB.DB). - Enable the External Sensor Calibration Database if you had MTS Systems Corporation calibrate your external sensors. The calibration data is for sensors connected to external ac and dc conditioners from the digital controller (EXT_DB.DB). - Enable the Extended AIO Calibration Database if you had MTS Systems Corporation calibrate your sensors. It includes the calibration factors for each analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter in the second Model 490.40 Analog I/O board (SYSCALEX.DB) Pressing the Next button will prompt you for a calibration disk for each enabled selection. Step 2 If you have a temperature controller After setup is finished, you can run COMTEST.EXE to determine if your temperature controller supports the ramp feature of the TestWare-SX temperature control process. The program also enables the ramp feature. A Open the TestStar program folder and double-click the TestStar icon. TestStar must be running before COMTEST can be run. B When prompted to log in, enter mts for both the username and password. C Open a command prompt. D Go to the TestStar directory (specified in Task 2, Step 1). Type: CD C:\TS2 E Start the COMTEST program. Type: comtest F The program identifies if your temperature controller supports the ramp feature. If it does, it is enabled. When the program is done, close the command prompt (type: exit). Step 3 Install any additional software If you have any optional TestWare software, go to its product manual to install those products separately. Each software option is installed with its own setup program. If you are upgrading TestStar, you may want to install any files you backed up. You will need to copy your backup files to appropriate TestStar subdirectories.